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GMA Kapuso Mall Show At Ultimart Shopping Plaza

Last Sunday, GMA Channel 7 had a GMA Kapuso Mall Show at Ultimart Shopping Plaza. Four GMA Kapuso Stars entertained their fans here in San Pablo City with songs and dance numbers. The four GMA Kapuso Stars that came were Kris Bernal, Mark Herras, Gwen Zamora and Vaness del Moral.

GMA Kapuso Mall Show, Ultimart Shopping Plaza, San Pablo City, August 26, 2012
(GMA Kapuso Mall Show, Ultimart Shopping Plaza, San Pablo City, August 26, 2012)

A lot of people came to see them but the show started late because the stars were kinda late themselves. The first on stage was Gwen Zamora, followed by Vaness del Moral, Kris Bernal and Mark Herras. All four GMA Kapuso Stars sung a couple of songs and did their own thing to entertain the crowd.

Gwen Zamora was very beautiful while little Marian Rivera, Kris Bernal, was very cute in her very bright-orange dress. Vaness was very friendly with the crowd but Mark Herras was a dissapointment. He rarely smiled and had a snobbish look on his face. Seriously, he got paid thousands of pesos and the least he could do was show that he was enjoying what he was doing.

In the end, the GMA Kapuso Mall Show at Ultimart Shopping Plaza was a very entertaining and fun event. A lot of people came to see their favorite stars and they got what they came for. Next time, they should just leave Mark Herras behind because his attitude was an eyesore.

Here are some pictures of the show. Unfortunately, the quality of the pictures are not great but do enjoy them still.

Gwen ZamoraGwen ZamoraGwen Zamora
(Gwen Zamora)

Gwen ZamoraGwen ZamoraGwen Zamora

Vaness del MoralVaness del MoralVaness del Moral
(Vaness del Moral)

Vaness del MoralVaness del MoralVaness del Moral

Kris BernalKris BernalKris Bernal
(Kris Bernal)

There were also some pictures of Mark Herras but none of them came out good. They either came out too blurry or too dark and, because of that, none of them were placed here. Besides, Mark Herras doesn't need nor deserve any kind of publicity.

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