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Candidates Campaigning Early Here In San Pablo City

Campaign period of candidates for the members of the House of Representatives and elected regional, provincial, city and municipal positions starts on March 29, 2013 and ends on May 11, 2013 (source, PIA). Again, the start of the campaign period for Congressmen and other local positions starts on March 29, 2013. That's March 29, 2013 but why are we already seeing campaign posters and banners of candidates all over the city when the campaign period is still four months away?

Early Campaing Posters Disguised
(Early Campaign Posters disguised as Personal Greetings)

The City Proper of San Pablo City is littered with campaign posters and banners disguised as personal greetings and whatnot. Who are these people fooling? These posters with personal greetings from known candidates are obviously campaign materials and we are letting them plaster these things all over our city when it's not yet time for these candidates to campaign. Are we afraid of these candidates? Are they going to kill us if we speak out against them for campaigning early?

Unfortunately, there is no law that prohibits candidates for campaigning early but, seriously, do we really need a law for that? These candidates know when they should start campaigning and, as future leaders, they should become an example and follow the schedule . If they can't even follow a simple schedule then how can we expect them to govern us fairly.

Right now, these candidates are littering our streets with their garbage. These campaign posters are garbage because they don't tell you anything about them. The people don't care if these candidates greet them Merry Christmas or Happy New Year in advance. I don't.

Please, if you are a candidate in our city then please stop littering our streets. Stop plastering your face everywhere. If you are a candidate who wants to make a change in our city then lead by example. Follow the Election Schedule because it will make you a better candidate and probably a better leader than the others.

As for COMELEC, they should really consider addinng a rule against early campaigning. Early campaigning gives candidates with money a huge advantage over candidates with limited resources.

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