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Street Dancing Competition San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013

I've always considered the Street Dancing Competition as the main event or main attraction of our city's annual Coco Festival Celebration. It's the biggest and the most colorful event of the entire festival. It's also the event that brings in more people to our city during the Coco Festival Celebration.
Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013
(Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013)

This year's Street Dancing Competition happened last Sunday (January 13, 2013). I went there with my daughter at around 12:00 PM and waited almost 2 hours because the actual Street Dancing Competition started at around 2:00 PM. Well, the program started at around 1:30 PM but there were other things in the program that were not related to the Street Dancing Competition.

For example, Ted Casiño had a short message and that took a few minutes and there was also a parade of people from various government and non-government organizations. It was followed by the Coco Carnival Queen and a parade of more people.

By the time the actual Street Dancing Competition started, I was already tired of standing and the people crowding around me wasn't helping ease the pain in my legs. We only stayed until 3:45 PM because I could no longer tolerate the pain in my legs and the crowd was starting to get a little disorganized.

Yes, by the time the High School Level of the competition got to the stage, the crowd was already everywhere. There were already people in-front of the stage and the center islands were already filled with people. Those in-charged of controlling the crowd were no longer in control because if they were then they wouldn't have let people in the center islands nor in-front of the stage.

Every year, it's the same problem. Seriously, if you want to watch the Street Dancing Competition then just stay home and watch it on cable. The only reason why I still watch it on location is because I wanted to take pictures of the colorful costumes worn by the street dancers.

Unfortunately, I've only seen the Elementary Level of the competition and there were only three participants. There are so many elementary schools in San Pablo City but only three participated in the competition. The High School Level had a better number of participants. Five High Schools participated in the competition. The College Level is the most popular of the three levels because only DLSP participated in the competition.

With no competition to compete with, it was an instant win for DLSP. In fact, I was told that DLSP used the same costume and did the same dance routine as last year with some variations and a more refined choreography.

You know what, for next year's Street Dancing Competition, instead of schools competing, they should change it into a competition between the different Barangays in San Pablo City. Our local government could probably set aside a special fund for those Barangays that will participate in the competition.

Anyway, I was able to take a few pictures of the Elementary Level of the Street Dancing Competition last Sunday and you can see some of them below.
Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013

Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013

Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013

Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013

Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013

Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013

Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition, San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013

This year's San Pablo City Coco Festival 2013 Street Dancing Competition was a fun and colorful event but was it better than previous year's Street Dancing Competitions? I really don't want to answer that but I can say that the earlier ones were much better specially the first one.

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